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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Is it ok to talk politics who does it have to be taboo?

Barack Obama presidency has given hope to the nations.  "Change we can believe in" was not just a mantra for Americans but it resounded around the globe.  Japan and the nation's tuned in to his moment.  My grandmother who is from the Island's says "He is my boy."  He has been called the King Tut of the world. It was not just Barack Obama's moment. It was our moment and still is.  For African Americans and people of color, we could not help but feel proud.  The news paper with his face on it announcing his  win is glued to the bulletin at a church in my community.  His election pointed to the need for hope that "it is possible" among our people and brought reconciliation for past wrongs but more reconciliation is necessary.  Our nation has not reconciled with Native American and Hispanics.  The work of the civil rights moment is not finished.  We secured rights which was rightfully ours but we need to get and reclaim a sense of dignity, self-worth, poise, and family values back.  One man announced to my biracial Canadian nephew that we have a black president now.   I had hope before President Barack Obama became president and judged candidates by the content of their character and the decisions they promised to make.   Barack Obama has calm and poise.   He has taken a few or too many hits.   He has also made some poor choices but who hasn't and it is not too late for him to learn from his mistakes.  What he has done in office is what his platform was on the campaign trail.  I admired his passion for education.   I did not support his call for Israel to go back to the 1967 border.  God bless those nations that bless Israel.   I disliked his stand on abortion and don't ask don't tell. I am not asking you to agree with me.  I am for people who have an alternative lifestyle but not for an alternative lifestyle and that does not mean I am judgmental because I disagree.   

We can be desensitized from the fact that Lot and his wife had to be rescued from Sodom.  Maybe Sodom was democratic legalizing immorality and tried to preserve posterity by passing laws to encourage immorality within its borders and drawing revenue in times of famine.  We support gay rights, right? Will we still support gay rights when it is taught in schools that it is acceptable to have two mammies or two daddies? Will we support it, when a boy who thinks he is a girl uses the same bathroom with your daughter or grand-daughter?  Will we support it when your daughter comes home and says "mommy it is okay to hold the door for a man, holding the door is a woman and a man thing and you know what mom, man does not have to be the head of the home? Will we support it when your son come home and says, I have a best friend who calls his mother," mammy pappy?"  Isn't homosexuality redefining the family?  Is this why there is a need for a marriage amendment? I am in favor of a righteous democrat, republican, independent, or tea party person, is there one? Is there a politician with permanent and not temporary solutions to repair the breach? A politician who knows that you cannot repair the foundation with tax reform alone?  I heard someone say that democracy does not include God.  God surely puts morality in democracy.  When a nation is in right standing with God he blesses that nation. Prosperity and obedience go hand in hand.  The kings heart can be in the hand of the Lord and God will draw the water's out and put divine directed decisions on his lips.  

I pray for Barack Obama, our quality president of calm and poise and peace, that his heart will be in the hand of the Lord and God will draw the waters out. I pray for divine wisdom and inner knowings. Advance knowledge from above and may his heart and mind discern wisely and be opened to receive divine instruction and counsel.  Let his will be united with divine will.  

May he not succumb to the pressures of the moment, nor pressure to win another election, nor the pressure from his party.  May he rightly steward his office and monitor his role as President. 

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